Be prepared for phase 7

7th phase elections are not too far. They’re going to be held on 19th May which includes major states like Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, etc. Therefore, I, as a student of Journalism and  Mass Communications feels obliged to write about how people should be very careful about whom they vote. There’s a lot of chaos going … Continue reading Be prepared for phase 7

India: Tolerant or Intolerant?

As  per  Amit Shah’s  interview,  is  India  really  becoming  intolerant?  No  doubt,  a  person  is  allowed  to  speak  his  mind  but  what  he  said  is  the  absolute  truth? The  word  intolerance  has  started  striking  our  ears  from  past  few  years  and  that  too  from  the  hype  created  by  media. Media has a habit of making … Continue reading India: Tolerant or Intolerant?