India: Tolerant or Intolerant?

As  per  Amit Shah’s  interview,  is  India  really  becoming  intolerant?  No  doubt,  a  person  is  allowed  to  speak  his  mind  but  what  he  said  is  the  absolute  truth?

The  word  intolerance  has  started  striking  our  ears  from  past  few  years  and  that  too  from  the  hype  created  by  media. Media has a habit of making a big deal out of no things. Also, in order to take people’s mind off the real issues like corruption, unemployment, poverty, inflation such hypes are created.

India  is  a  diverse  country.  People of different caste, religion,  groups,  communities  etc. have been residing here since centuries. If  India  actually  is  intolerant  in  nature,  how  has  it  survived  till  now? So its completely wrong if we say that India is becoming intolerant. However incidents that took place in the past like mob lynchings for the sake of cows and all, were mostly politically influenced.

Ban on beef has been a major issue. “Muslims can continue to live in this country, but they will have to give up eating beef.” — Manohar Lal Khattar, Chief Minister of Haryana and member of the BJP. This policy of ‘Divide & Rule’ which is being followed by Indian politicians incites more violence.

It  is  totally  up  to  us  to  think  and  analyze  what  media  conveys  us  and what   we  perceive  from  it.  We need to think critically of all the events and happenings we’re told about. Media works to influence people. We should not let media sway us.  

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